Parents in Illinois who divorce or separate have to work together when they share custody of their children. A parenting plan typically instructs adults to share both parenting time and parental authority. One of the adults may also have financial responsibility in...

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Can parents move away with children after an Illinois divorce?
Parents in Illinois generally have the authority to make decisions about their children's needs with very little government oversight. However, once parents separate or divorce, the family courts and state law have some authority over parenting decisions. Neither...
5 helpful tips for creating a parenting plan
If you have children and are going through a separation period or divorce, you will need to put together a parenting plan. That plan will include information such as when to pick up or drop off your children. It may also have specific information about what you can or...
Apps that help you co-parent
If you are like many other divorced parents in Illinois, you may sometimes struggle with how to communicate with your former spouse. When these struggles involve finances, schedules and more related to your kids, the stress involved can become overwhelming....
How can I effectively co-parent after my divorce?
As an Illinois spouse who must experience a divorce when you still have children living at home, you know all too well that your divorce is not really final just because you have signed a settlement. Your child custody agreement and visitation schedule will be helpful...