Attorneys jeff kulinsky and Vimal J. Kottukapally

A Reputation For Excellence

Offering clients efficiency, experience and effectiveness in legal matters great and small since 1983.

Attorneys jeff kulinsky and Vimal J. Kottukapally

Decades Of Estate Planning Experience

People need a skilled and attentive attorney when creating an estate plan so that they can create an estate plan customized to reflect their needs.

The estate planning lawyers of have more than 20 combined years of experience helping people determine the best possible estate plans for their specific needs. They can also help people navigate the probate process more quickly or avoid it altogether.

Experience With All Available Estate Planning Tools

Everyone needs a basic will and testament to ensure that their wishes are what guide the distribution of their assets, not the guidelines otherwise provided by law. However, a will is only the beginning.

Our experienced lawyers are familiar with all available estate planning tools, including:

  • Wills, including pour-over wills
  • Trusts
  • Living wills
  • Powers of attorney for financial and medical purposes
  • Transfer on death instruments

We also represent people in Illinois probate matters.

The Benefits Of Trusts In An Estate Plan

Trusts are one of the most commonly used estate planning tools. We are familiar with all of the types of trusts available to accomplish unique goals, such as the following:

  • Special needs trusts for children or adults with special needs allow you to leave assets to a person with special needs without having those assets interfere with the government benefits that person receives.
  • Land trusts for estates that are primarily real estate-based allow real estate to avoid going through probate court. These trusts, combined with a will, can be highly beneficial for homeowners with minimal other assets.
  • Living trusts allow the transfer of assets without going through probate court. This type of trust also offers privacy and can be changed during the creator’s lifetime. You can name a successor trustee to manage your assets, pay your debts if you become disabled and distribute your assets as you designate. This type of trust is often best suited for estates with significant assets.

Supporting Health Care And Finance Decisions With Powers Of Attorney

Powers of attorney come in various forms. We will thoroughly review your situation to ensure that the form of power of attorney that you choose meets your needs.

As part of your estate plan, a health care power of attorney gives authority to an individual named in it to make health care decisions on your behalf. These decisions include which doctors will care for you and whether doctors may keep you alive using life-sustaining devices such as a feeding tube.

A durable power of attorney gives authority to an individual you name to act on your behalf for financial purposes if a doctor declares you incapable of managing your finances. This ensures that someone can write checks on your behalf, take money out of your accounts or otherwise sell your assets to pay your bills.

Making Your Wishes For Health Care Known With A Living Will

A living will allows a person to make a decision during their life not to be kept alive on death-delaying devices in the event that their condition is considered terminal. The person making the plan should distribute copies of the document to their family physician and any other attending or treating physicians to keep with their medical records.

Protecting Your Real Estate Holdings With Transfer On Death Instruments

A transfer on death instrument transfers real estate to your loved ones upon your death. This tool allows the real estate you own to avoid the probate process.

Supporting Your Estate Planning Goals At Reasonable Rates

We understand that you want to preserve your assets, not spend them. We charge reasonable rates, and you can pay by credit card or an installment plan for your convenience.

Contact Us Now For A Free, Half-Hour Initial Consultation

Contact us online or call one of our offices to schedule a free, half-hour consultation with one of our attorneys. You can reach our offices in Wheeling and Buffalo Grove at 847-979-9966 or our Libertyville office at 847-281-0200.