Many Illinois residents lead busy lives. It can be a strain for anyone to handle work, home life, social life and various other aspects of daily affairs. The strain of a busy life can often lead to strain in relationships, especially if one person feels that he or she is handling more of the important household matters than the other or lacks support from his or her spouse. According to recent reports, these reasons may contribute to why more women file for divorce than men.
Apparently, women more often feel that their marriages are holding them back. Even when both spouses are employed, women tend to still do more housework than men. As a result, women who want to further their careers may feel that this inequality in household duties may be holding them back, which could lead to a desire to divorce.
Additionally, many women still face negative reactions to their career success from their male spouses. In fact, studies have indicated that men go through psychological distress if their wives have more successful careers, mainly when it comes to making more money than them during their marriages. Again, this type of attitude toward a career-oriented woman can make marriage seem unsupportive and unhealthy.
Unfortunately, many successful women can find themselves in situations in which their spouses do not support their career goals. They may face additional stress from being expected to handle the majority of household duties as well. If these issues result in marital strife, it is possible that some Illinois residents may feel the need to file for divorce.