After a divorce in Illinois, there may be issues that arise involving the paying or receiving of the court ordered child support. Federally mandated child support services are offered by the Division of Child Support Services to assist those who encounter certain problems. This agency is a part of the Illinois Department of Health and Family Services.
The DCSS provides assistance with getting an order for support or getting modifications to the amount of support. In addition, the DCSS will help locate absent parents and get genetic testing completed to establish paternity, and the office collects payments, as well. DCSS also handles child support cases for any family that is receiving benefits from the HFS, such as medical benefits or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Any custodial parent who is not getting benefits through HFS can also get DCSS assistance with child support if he or she requests it.
Non-custodial parents, or those who are paying child support, can also work with DCSS. If a non-custodial parent loses a job, he or she may be able to get access to employer referral services. They can also use the DCSS to request modifications to their support orders. Finally, while most child support payments are set up to be withdrawn by an employer, for those whose payments are not coming directly from their paychecks, the DCSS can provide assistance with setting up payments to be automatically withdrawn from a bank account.
It is important to note the DCSS does not take the place of an attorney. The agency cannot help with custody. It does not provide legal advice and is not able to order child support payments. An attorney is able to help with these things, along with offering legal guidance to ensure child support orders are fair. The DCSS may be able to provide assistance in conjunction with an attorney, or after a person has gone to court and worked out the details of support to help ensure everything goes smoothly.