Most Illinois residents have either friends or family members that have gone through a divorce. They have also likely heard many stories of the hardships associated with this experience. Identifying marital property and non-marital property as part of an overall property division settlement alone can be hard. The added struggles associated with determining child custody, child support, spousal support and more only increases the potential for challenges to arise.
Despite the very personal and emotional nature of the topics focused on in a divorce, it does not always have to be an extremely adversarial experience. Such is the topic of a recent media article that identifies some relatively simple ways that people can reduce the stress of a divorce experience. One such recommendation urged to spouses is the need for financial education. Dividing retirement accounts and bank accounts, determining the valuation of personal or business assets and ensuring an equitable division and settlement can be made much easier with increased financial savvy.
Other recommendations in the article were more personal in nature and pertained to some rather basic ways for people to behave or think. These include the simple acts of thinking and speaking more positively, learning how to forgive a former spouse for things not to one’s liking, eliminating the view of one’s self as a victim in the divorce and even coming to appreciate some things about the other party.
All in all, there can be multiple ways that either spouse or both together can make the process of the end of a marriage less damaging and stressful. Another suggestion from the article, working with a trusted attorney, may also be helpful to many people.
Source: ABC 27 WTXL, “10 Proactive Steps To A Painless Divorce,” Wendy Newman Glantz, December 16, 2013